Thursday, November 25, 2010

Listening Questionaire ...

Yesterday I went to a one day training seminar for my work for Community Living, and it's amazing how many things relate to just everyday life, and things that active Church workers can learn from the same thing.   Interacting with people doesn't change.  The message may be different, but the lessons are the same.  One of the things we looked on was how to actively and Faithfully listen to someone.   In a bible study, group discussion, or even in your marriage, some of these questions are very applicable.   Hopefully this will challenge you, as it challenges me.

  1. I interact with a person so that I understand both the facts about what is being communicated and also the feelings that are being communicated to get the whole picture
  2. I have a true interest and desire to hear and understand what the person is trying to communicate.
  3. I am very much aware of the possible effects of my own attitudes, beliefs, feelings and needs  when I am listening to a person.
  4. I pay very close attention to non verbal behaviour, gestures and expressions when listening to someone to help me understand the person.
  5. When I become unclear about what is being communicated I immediately ask for clarification INSTEAD of pretending to know and/or responding quickly. (such a guy thing eh?)
  6. I confirm my understanding of what I have heard or interpreted by summarizing, paraphrasing or stating back to the person my understanding and seeking  their confirmation.
  7. I keep an open mind, suspending  my judgments  or preconceived ideas and feelings about a person when I am called to listen.  (never in the Church  *ahem*)
  8. I am able to put myself in the "shoes of the person" when asked to listen.  I can easily empathize with people.
  9. I make sure the person knows I am listening by making eye contact, affirming what they are saying by nodding or making an appropriate gesture
  10. I first seek to understand what a person is communicating, before I express myself.
  11. I allow people to complete what they are trying to communicate, giving enough time, space and sometimes silence so that the person can be heard.
Each of these you can rate on your own, but there may be a couple that you would like to improve upon, and take some actions on how to improve them.

This list was compiled by Community Living Ontario for the "Examining The Purpose of Our Work" seminar.  Er .. with occasional commentary by me. :)

In toady's devotional, we looked at the importance of Listing to the Word of God, hopefully these things can help us reflect on our ability and willingness to listen to God and to others.

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